5 litres of Bowdens Own first ever product, that was created after discovering all the other car washes on the market contained salt! Its been a popular one thanks to its slipperiness that helps stop dirt from micro scratching your paint, and that now famous after wash glow it leaves on your car. Super concentrated as well, with close to double the amount of washes per bottle as all the watered down imports. Give it a go, we promise you'll love it.

  • A rich, gloss enhancing wash, for those who want the best for their car
  • Safe for frequent, yet effective washing on all paint finishes
  • Helps give paint a lustrous, brilliant glow
  • No sodium/ salt in this formula, a unique feature of this wash
  • Contains rust inhibiting agents & UV protectants
  • Good sudsing power, to help suspend dirt and grime away from the paint
  • Does not leave streaks, ideal for those who can only wash in the sun
  • pH neutral, will not strip your protective wax or paint protection coating
  • Very slippery for helping prevent swirls when you wash
  • Helps to condition and extend the life of your wax coat
  • Silicone free, to be suitable for satin and matte finished surfaces, including vinyl wraps
  • Phosphate free, biodegradable, gentle on your hands and the environment
  • 21 full strength washes in a 501ml bottle, a lot more than the imported competition
Barcode # 9332245000424
Brand Bowden's Own
Shipping Weight 4.0000kg

Auto Body Gel 5L

Sale price
RRP $126.00
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RRP $126.00
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4 payments of $24.75
The Auto Body Gel 5L by Bowden's Own is a rich, gloss-enhancing wash. Super concentrated, its slipperiness helps stop dirt from micro-scratching you car's paint. Doesn't contain salt like many other car washes on the market.

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5 litres of Bowdens Own first ever product, that was created after discovering all the other car washes on the market contained salt! Its been a popular one thanks to its slipperiness that helps stop dirt from micro scratching your paint, and that now famous after wash glow it leaves on your car. Super concentrated as well, with close to double the amount of washes per bottle as all the watered down imports. Give it a go, we promise you'll love it.

  • A rich, gloss enhancing wash, for those who want the best for their car
  • Safe for frequent, yet effective washing on all paint finishes
  • Helps give paint a lustrous, brilliant glow
  • No sodium/ salt in this formula, a unique feature of this wash
  • Contains rust inhibiting agents & UV protectants
  • Good sudsing power, to help suspend dirt and grime away from the paint
  • Does not leave streaks, ideal for those who can only wash in the sun
  • pH neutral, will not strip your protective wax or paint protection coating
  • Very slippery for helping prevent swirls when you wash
  • Helps to condition and extend the life of your wax coat
  • Silicone free, to be suitable for satin and matte finished surfaces, including vinyl wraps
  • Phosphate free, biodegradable, gentle on your hands and the environment
  • 21 full strength washes in a 501ml bottle, a lot more than the imported competition
Barcode # 9332245000424
Brand Bowden's Own
Shipping Weight 4.0000kg